The all-new, deluxe, definitive print editions of all three Captain Baculum books are now available! You can order them worldwide, on-demand, via Lulu. It’s the best way to support the project and get a great physical book too…
For a few months in 2021, during lockdown, I picked up this project again and finally completed it. Not only book 3, Baculum Solves Everything, finally get finished but every page from the previous two instalments was carefully remastered with new lines and speech bubbles. The result is these: three wonderful physical books. Featuring: full colour cover, exclusive extras and WIP pictures, and a three-part essay that shares a bit of personal history surrounding the comic.
Find out more about the project’s history on our about page.
If that sounds nice, get a copy! And thank you SO much in advance for supporting my work. – C x